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<h2>JavaScript Methods</h2>




<label id="">String Methods</label>








<label id="">Length method to find the length of the text</label>



            <label id="lblString"></label>





<label id=""># IndexOf() method is used to find the position of first occurrence of a text that you are looking for. <br><br> # If index is not found, -1 will be returned. <br><br> # Search() method is used to find the position of the first time the text occur in the string that we are searching for. <br><br> #Slice() method is used to extract the part of the string.</label>



            <label id="lblIndex"></label>






var x = "Thisisalongstring";

document.getElementById("lblString").innerHTML = x.length;

var x = "We are learning IndexOf method of the string method";

var y = x.indexOf("method");

var z = x.lastIndexOf("method");

var a = x.indexOf("test");

var b ="method");

var c = x.slice(7, 15);

document.getElementById("lblIndex").innerHTML = 

"Index of 'method' is:" + y + " <br> " +" <br> " + "Last Index of 'method' is: "+ z +" <br> " + " <br> " + "Index of 'test' is not found: " + a + " <br> " +" <br> " + "Using 'search' to find index: " + b + " <br> " +" <br> "+ "Slice out 'learning' from the sentence above: " + c ;




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