Javascript Tutorial

What is Javascript?

JavaScript started off as a language that will make the static pages alive. Or add some functionality to not so functional pages.  The language itself is made up of several programs that are called scripts. These scripts could directly be written on the web page or on separate file and they run automatically as the page loads. 

Very important point to note is that JavaScript has nothing to do with Java. The similar name was just used because Java language was very popular at that time and creators of JavaScript were trying to get it established. And then they were stuck with it. 

Why is Javascript becoming so famous? 

Javascript is client side programming language and that means it runs immediately in the browser. Javascript is very simple to learn as compared to other programming languages. Javascript can be easily inserted into any web page regardless of the extension.  It supperts all modern browsers. No special compilers are needed to run javascript. 

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Date Object

Purple: Style Blue: HTML Green: JavaScript  <!DOCTYPE html> <html> <style> #dates {   font-family: "Trebuchet MS...